This loan is available for new members who wish to begin saving whilst repaying a credit union loan with Beacon Savings & Loans.
Check your eligibility
Are you eligible to apply?
Family Loans are available up to £500. This credit union Family Loan must be repaid via Child Benefit.
Before applying for your credit union Family Loan with Beacon Savings & Loans, please read the following to avoid any potential negative impact on your credit file.
The interest charged on these loans is 30.3%APR
You are likely to be accepted for a Salary Saver Loan if you…
- are over 18
- have enough income to cover your loan and a minimum of £10 per month savings.
- Pay via Child Benefit Direct, you must have your payment transferred to Beacon Savings & Loans prior to any funds being paid.
- are NOT currently in an IVA.
- are not currently bankrupt or in a Debt Relief Order.
Key Features
- You can apply straight away, there is no need to save first.
- Affordable payments over a term of up to 2 years.
- Simple repayments, your Child Benefit comes straight to Beacon Savings & Loans
- Save as you repay your loan – you’ll be amazed how quickly your shares can grow!!
- No hidden charges, set up fees or penalty fees for repaying your loan early.