These loans are available to members or people wishing to join who work for one of our payroll partners.
Check your eligibility
Are you eligible to apply?
Salary Saver Loans are available up to £1,500. This credit union Salary Saver Loan must be repaid via payroll deductions
Before applying for your credit union Saver Loan with Beacon Savings & Loans, please read the following to avoid any potential negative impact on your credit file.
The interest charged on these loans is 21.5%APR
You are likely to be accepted for a Salary Saver Loan if you…
- are over 18
- have enough income to cover your loan and a minimum of £10 per month savings.
- Pay via payroll deductions
- are NOT currently in an IVA.
- are not currently bankrupt or in a Debt Relief Order.
Key Features
- You can apply straight away, there is no need to save first.
- Affordable payments over a term of up to 2 years.
- Simple repayments, deducted straight from your pay.
- Save as you repay your loan – you’ll be amazed how quickly your shares can grow!!
- No hidden charges, set up fees or penalty fees for repaying your loan early.